By Alie Sonta Kamara
Satcon, a TV service provider in Sierra Leone, has come in the spotlight for inconsistent customer service in the last eight months.
When customers subscribe for any package, their service should last for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 30 days in a month. When and how they feel like using it should solely be their own discretion.
In the last eight months, Satcon has been switching off its midnight service for unknown reasons. When one wishes to follow programmes during this time, all one sees is the notification ‘no signal’. This is not a result of bad weather since the problem has remained prevalent in all the two seasons.
When this medium contacted Satcon through its customer service regarding the concern in question, the designated staffer said they have been having technical issues. “We switch off the system at midnight to allow the engineers to resolve the fault,” they said.
How can a serious business-minded entity find it hard to solve a problem that has lasted for over eight months?
If the fault is so telling, why is it not obvious during the day except at midnight?
Is this a move to save cost at the disadvantage of customers?
Why has there been no press release to inform customers about the technical fault?
As the nation suffers from poor network services from Africell and Orange, Satcon is adding insult to injury.